ben weir  / spatial & material practice / nl ~ uk ~ ie / 


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objects distinct from objectification / infinite potential inside a single fragment /  in the prestigious decor constructed specifically for this purpose / building as noun and verb is to say that buildings happen / the unexpected afterlives / physical space > translated space > space on the page > space made in the mind /  what cannot be forgotten reappears in dreams / hasard objectif / like getting blood from a stone / passing time <> passage of time / objects within the landscape or in spite of it / 

Belfast, NI


A book about the death of buildings.

Collating a series of photographs of demolition in Belfast over a 6 month period. Taken entirely with an Ilford disposable b&w camera and paired with poetry, sketches, thoughts and inquiry, the book forms an understanding of the City as a constantly changing organism, calling into question methods of redevelopment. Criticizing the kind of bland retail and developer-led approach that is diluting the quality and character of our city, the book aspires for people to value our cities and buildings as cultural artefacts, rather than passive backdrops or machines for profit.

Lights off empty vessel irrelevant systematic broken skin on concrete thoughts permeate aggregate caught in carbon
- a standing signifier, queued as my own headstone. And on some lonesome fucking Tuesday, I worry I might not make it through the night.

52 page, digitally printed, perfect-bound book
Launched alongside a corresponding exhibition and artist talk at Framewerk, Belfast, July 2017.
Shown at Dublin Art Book Fair, November 2017  

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