An object
to address a fundamental
principle of architecture
An object
radiating heat
within an room
to ease its inhabitation
More accurately,
eight types of objects
forming one object
an assembly of objects
radiating heat
to address a fundamental
principle of architecture
An object
to appease the body
taking strain from legs
warming backs of thighs
Or rather,
Two objects
or two assemblies of objects
to appease the body:
a public gesture
at ground floor
and one of care
both radiating heat
to address a fundamental
principle of architecture.
Permanent installation in Catalyst Arts, Belfast.
Produced for the show Core is Concrete curated by Kate Murphy, also featuring Tanad Aaron and Niamh Seana Meehan.
Steel beam, steel fin radiator, steel box-section, threaded rod, hardware, rubber, paint,
2000 x 500 x 460mm; 1250 x 500 x 460mm

With thanks to John Weir
Photography: © Simon Mills
Made possible by the Fenton Arts Trust